Home Community Guidelines

Infractions of Our Terms & Conditions

Stephen HanlyStephen Hanly Member, Administrator, Moderator Posts: 64 admin

We take violations of these Terms of Use and/or our Community Guidelines seriously. If you violate these Terms of Use and/or our Community Guidelines, or we suspect that you have, then depending on the severity of the incident we may do any of the following:

• issue you with a warning;
• delete posts or threads;
• temporarily suspend your account; or
• deactivate your account.

Mide's decision will be final and no correspondence will be entered into.

We reserve the right to revise these Terms of Use and our Community Guidelines at any time and without notice.

Do you have a question about our Terms of Use or our Community Guidelines, or anything else? Do you have a suggestion? Do you want to offer some feedback? Or are you experiencing some trouble with the site? Well, no matter what it is, please do not hesitate to contact us and we will be glad to help in any way that we can.

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