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Internal Updates/Upgrades to Slam Stick Recorders

Stephen HanlyStephen Hanly Member, Administrator, Moderator Posts: 64 admin
edited September 2018 in Product Feedback


Update the internal electronics of the device to take advantage of new components and improve performance and usability.


Much of the base electronics in the product line were developed and selected in 2012-2014. Since that time there have been some minor updates and improvements with the electronics, but the primary development focus has been on firmware and software.

Over the last 5+ years upgraded processors have become available that can enable some improvements regarding storage size, reliability and transfer speed. There have also been new sensors which have become available and could be better utilized with an updated processor.


  • Increase the storage capacity limit to 32GB or greater (currently limited to 8GB)
  • Improve file transfer speed from current of 500 kB/s
  • Update or add newer embedded sensors to improve data quality, specifically include ADXL354/7 product suite.


  1. Update existing Slam Stick line with new electronics hardware
  2. Apply updated electronics design to future product developments

Cost to the Customer

This will likely not require any change in price point of the device, it's just part of our commitment to be continually improving and taking full advantage of technology's relentless advancement.

Example Use Cases

Virtually all current customers will benefit from the unilateral upgrade.

Internal Updates/Upgrades to Slam Stick Recorders 1 vote

Both storage/transfer speed and improved/new sensors sound great!
k31ch 1 vote
More interested in improved storage and transfer speed
More interested in improved data quality and additional sensor options
Don't need any improvements!


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    k31chk31ch Member Posts: 9
    Both storage/transfer speed and improved/new sensors sound great!

    This is great news!
    Great news and great questions:
    1. Would there be any improvements in measurements quality for shocks in 500g range?
    2. Is there an estimated date, even a rough one, for the new product availability?

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    Stephen HanlyStephen Hanly Member, Administrator, Moderator Posts: 64 admin

    Happy to hear you're excited, we are too! Let me answer your questions below.
    1. Yes, we are going to be introducing a 2,000g piezoresistive accelerometer version and keep the 500g piezoresistive one. We will actually be discontinuing the 500g and 2,000g piezoelectric accelerometers as part of this update. Much of the issues folks run into at the higher amplitude and frequency range is the fact that the piezoelectric accelerometer "rails" and saturates its charge amplifier - and then this results in a logarithmic decay. I wrote a blog on this and piezoelectric accelerometers in general. These accelerometers are fantastic for vibration and can be good for some shock testing applications, but generally piezoresistive is better.
    2. We have begun the development with a large dev-board already in house and in testing with all these major component updates (CPU, storage, new sensors). The design of the updated boards has begun and we are anticipating a release of May 2019. In parallel to this we have the new website, endaq.com under development that will have a "soft launch" a month before the new/updated recorders. I should also mention that this will include the launch of two different form factors, one larger one with a 4,000 mAh battery and a "mini" that won't have the analog sensors to cut the length in half (same width and thickness).

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    k31chk31ch Member Posts: 9
    Both storage/transfer speed and improved/new sensors sound great!

    Thank you very much for the detailed answers!
    1. This is awesome! Exactly what I need for my applications (firearms recoil / muzzle brake testing) – as you have recommended in a different post. Although 500g should be largely sufficient, even for the hottest rigs, faster transfer speeds would be very welcome (at 20KHz samples may quickly take some volume).
    And yes, I did read your blog entry; that is actually how I abandoned the idea of building a testbed from scratch, because someone way more knowledgeable has already done it for me :) Thank you!
    2. Aswesome #2! I am eagerly waiting for the release, and if you need a test subject – just let me know, I am volunteering as a guinea pig.

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    k31chk31ch Member Posts: 9
    Both storage/transfer speed and improved/new sensors sound great!

    any date for the release?

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    Stephen HanlyStephen Hanly Member, Administrator, Moderator Posts: 64 admin

    The "mini" will be released in July that will have the new ADXL sensors with a slightly shorter form factor. Then the whole product line update will be made available in August. Everything takes a bit longer than we hoped but we are definitely actively pushing, in fact we placed the production run of boards for that new mini today!

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    k31chk31ch Member Posts: 9
    Both storage/transfer speed and improved/new sensors sound great!

    Super, thank you!
    Do you think analog sensors would make much difference for firearms recoil testing applications?

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    Stephen HanlyStephen Hanly Member, Administrator, Moderator Posts: 64 admin

    For firearms recoil testing I think you'll need a piezoresistive accelerometer. There are some very high-frequency components in those recoils that will require high-frequency sampling and relatively high-amplitude range. The new ADXL sensors were developed for vibration condition monitoring.

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    k31chk31ch Member Posts: 9
    Both storage/transfer speed and improved/new sensors sound great!

    Thanks! I will wait until August then, for the new range of piezoresistive devices.

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