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Tagging in the Community

Stephen HanlyStephen Hanly Member, Administrator, Moderator Posts: 64 admin
edited September 2018 in Community Guidelines

We encourage the use of tags to help members find relevant posts easily. To help keep things clean, users aren't able to generate their own tag, they must pre-existing tags. We have 5 types of tags as explained below. Moderators may add tags to posts to help other members search the community. Please don't hesitate to suggest any new tags!


  • Sensors - Discussions about selecting the right sensor, installation of that sensor etc.
  • DAQ - Discussions about conditioning and recording sensor data
  • Analysis - Discussions analyzing recorded data
  • Filters - Discussions about digital or analog filters


  • Evaluate Environment - Understand the environment to better develop a product/system intended to operate in that environment
  • Shipment Tracking - In this test the intent is to ensure the product/system did not experience an environment it isn't intended for and if so, understand when that occurred and exactly what happened
  • Qualification Testing - Tests to establish reliability in a given environment
  • Failure Analysis - What a system has failed or is repeatedly failing, these tests look to identify the cause
  • Condition Monitoring - Monitoring a system in semi-real time to detect failures or predict them before they occur


  • Python - Sharing or discussing a Python script(s) for analysis
  • MATLAB - Sharing or discussing a MATLAB script(s) for analysis

Sharing Data

  • Data - For sharing any test data in a format other than IDE (such as CSV, MAT, TXT etc.)
  • IDE - If an IDE file (generated from enDAQ recorder) is attached, useful for evaluating the recorders for different applications

Sensor/Data Type

  • Vibration
  • Shock
  • Temperature
  • Pressure
  • Orientation
  • Rotation
  • Strain
  • Force
  • Torque
  • Displacement
  • Humidity
  • Light
  • Air

enDAQ Product

  • Feature Request - Used to request small software or firmware features to better help future testing and analysis
  • Product Development - More detailed and larger development efforts for new products and software feature sets
  • Product Release - Announcements for new products, firmware releases, and software releases
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