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Firmware Version 20 Release

dwittdwitt Member, Administrator, Moderator Posts: 3 admin

Slam Stick firmware version 20 is now out of testing and available for general use! It can be applied using the instructions here

Please feel free to post feedback or questions on this thread, or directly to our support representatives. Here is a list summarizing the changes present in this update:

  • Added AND/OR modes for sensor triggers
  • Add functionality to start recording sequence by USB plug-in event
  • New Serialized file name scheme
  • Added capability to expire recording delay early based on sensor stimulus
  • Improved clarity around how various time based trigger modes function
  • Battery state information is now represented in SYSTEM/DEV/Battery.txt
  • Improved firmware update process; file-based process no longer requires bootloader interaction in Lab version 1.9+ and FWRev20+
  • Added 3-second override to exit from trigger phase to full shutdown, instead of through recording
  • Added a Firmware Revision String to the device manifest
  • Certain Configuration UI elements are now mutually exclusive
  • Improved handling of timezones for timestamp based recording triggers
  • Improved compatibility with very old Slam Stick recorders
  • Added support for Si1133 light sensor
  • The temperature trigger behavior has been improved
  • The file name maximum length has been increased to support new naming scheme
  • Improved I2C reliability

Here is a link to the update file for your convenience.

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